Thursday, August 1, 2013


You have just reached home after a hectic day at work and you find out that there is nothing to eat in the refrigerator. You get your car and drive to the nearby store to pick up some groceries. You pick up some beef nuggets and a ready to eat salad to go with it. Your leisure trip to the neighborhood super market has already damaged the environment.
      The car that you are driving has added to the green house gases through emissions, the beef you bought was from cattle raised on a farm that contributed in a big way to the methane in the environment, the salad consists of vegetables that have been grown with pesticides that have made sure that the land will become barren in a few years time. And when you sit in front of your television with the food in front of you and the air conditioner cooling,  the electricity that you are using is causing the global warming though carbon dioxide production. Did you ever think about all these things? The answer is a big NO.
      We all live busy lives working in big multinational corporations where we are constantly judged on our performance through appraisal cycles, but what about the appraisal of the entire human race which is destroying the very thing that gives it sustenance. Now that we are talking about our performance let me bring out certain facts.
a)      The temperature of the Earth has increased by one degree Fahrenheit since 1975.
b)      Polar ice caps are in danger of melting completely in the next 100 years.
c)      50% of fish consumed in the world comes from fishing farms. As we have over fished our oceans.
d)      25% of all animal species will become extinct in the next 25 years.

The some of the problems that are affecting us in a big way are:

1)      Dams as Killers:
The unabated creation of dams in the world, have increased the problems of people rather than providing us with a sustainable non polluting source of electricity. We have numerous examples of this from The Three Gorges dam on Yangtze River in China which was said to be partly responsible for the 2008 Sichuan earthquakes, to the Narmada river dam that will displace millions of people. In the recent times there have been a lot of landslides and cloud bursts the effects of which have been intensified due to the excavation done for the dams. Is this the development that we want? is a very vital question to ask here.

2)      Avoidable accidents:
As is the wraith of nature wasn’t dangerous enough the human race has its own part to play in the ecological destruction. Incidents such as oil spills and nuclear disasters have become periodic events in the world calendar. We can give the example of the Fujiyama nuclear disaster here which has polluted the ocean waters around Japan for centuries. These accidents have worst effect on the psych of people as these are both avoidable and dangerous.

3)      Global Warming:
This phenomenon is also a human created one which was non-existent before the industrial revolution. Activities such as power generation, perishable goods freezing and automobiles contribute to the green house gases in the environment. These trap the heat in earth’s atmosphere and increase the planets’ core temperature. Due this polar ice caps are melting. It has been estimated that in next 100 years the sea level may rise by 2 meters due to which the kind of damage in the coastal cities like Mumbai will be to the tune of $200 Billion.
       Looking at all these parameters and the situations linked to them it seems that the human race is failing in other words deserves a very bad rating in its appraisal. But there are a few steps we can take to lessen or in a way reverse the damage that has been caused by our greed for unabated growth.  The following are some of the activities that we can undertake to undo the damage that we have already caused. But these activities need to be done immediately otherwise a stage might come when nothing we do will be of any use.

1)      Carbon Recycling:
One of the major researches that is being conducted these days is how to reduce the amount of carbon based green house gases in the environment so that global warming can be controlled. Trees do it naturally through the photosynthesis process, but it’s a long process. What we need to do is to extract carbon from the atmosphere in a way that it can be used as fuel. This will reduce our dependence on the fossil fuels. More over it will create a cycle in which we can use the fuels, and then recycle the carbon generated back into a fuel. This way we can control the amount of green house gases in the atmosphere and protect our planet from climate change.

2)      Spreading Awareness:
Another important factor is we have to make more and more people aware about the ways in which they can help in saving our planet from an imminent doom. They have to be told that they as consumers in a modern age are contributing as much towards the ecological destruction as the industries and power plants. They as consumers are one of the biggest stake holders in a disaster recovery plan. They hold the power of accepting the right kind of products and rejecting the ones that are not produced using eco friendly production processes. We as citizen should also hold our respective governments to implementing more ecologically viable initiatives. The NGOs in a country like India can play a major role in this process of public awareness towards the environment protection cause.

        Yesterday while walking in a market near my house I overheard two small children talking. One was telling the other about not throwing an empty plastic bag on the roadside as the bacteria in the ground will not be able to absorb it. And I thought to myself that if a small child of 6-7 years of age can be so considerate towards the environment, we as adults can do much better.