Friday, January 8, 2010


Giggles, chuckle , laughter and some more laughter this is how I would describe my experience of reading two states.This is one book which gets u hooked.Along wid the fact that Chetan Bhagat is the only Indian writer worth reading, his sense of humour is eminently outstanding, and his uncanny ability to express it in simple words is great.This book is filled with moments which can make anybody laugh till their tummies hurt. What really makes this book great is the way we indians can connect to it, not only this but the other books that have been written by Chetan Bhagat.

Its a story of how a Punjabi boy and a South Indian girl get married. Which has been elucidated with the indespensible charaterstics of the two communities.Like the other books here also the story has been narrated by the main protagonist. It is the whole process of convincing the parents for the marriage by two love struck people(ie Krish and Ananaya).And in the end as luck would have it the parents are convinced.But what is the main crux of the book is the whole crusade that the protagonist has to undertake to be successful.

This gripping book was hard to keep down, once I had started.This is a must read for everybody who has a few hours to spare for a genuinely good book.

is what I would conclude my review about the book with...


  1. well thanks... i just bought the am really looking forward for it

  2. thanks...i will definitely read it.

  3. Firstly if you think Chetan Bhagat is the only Indian Author worth reading then you must broaden your horizons. Sure I agree Bhagat is good. Writes in simple language, is funny and we can relate to the characters. But i feel that over the time hes just wrting movie scripts rather than writing a 'real' story. For example in this book 2 states -

    when krish's mom comes for the grad ceremony and he tells her about Ananya and her job at HLL, the first question she asks is "will she get free jams home?"
    so hasnt she already made ananya her daughter-in-law? then why is she upset later in the whole story?

    where in India do you think that 2 students of opposite sex can live in together in an hostel for 2 whole years??

  4. he is actually trying to make the book a little hilarious by using stereotypical Indian mother language.

  5. the book is great...i have read it..and its worth reading

  6. Chetan Bhagat is one author who got the youth of the country to read, which in itself is a great thing.
    The books also deals with the couple's brushes with the caste system and how the older generation feels choices differ with different states- passe'. The book slowly unfolds how India is becoming flatter in terms of equality, choices, decisions and emotions.
    Good review, keep up the good work.
    PS. Love the choice of words! (Y)
